Friday, February 19, 2010

Awesome Things (The Best of the 900s)

We have so many things to be thankful for! Even the littlest, dumbest things. These come from the 1000 Awesome Things blog:

■#997 Locking people out of the car and pretending to drive away
■#995 Finding money you didn’t even know you lost
■#974 High tens
■#958 Being the first person into a really crowded movie theater and getting the prime seats
■#940 Terrible businesses run by children [My childhood best friend and I had a rock painting and selling business and we were trying to make a club where members would have to pay dues.]
■#926 The Runaway Truck Ramp
■#917 The moment at a concert after the lights go out and before the band comes on stage
■#912 Hanging your hand out the window of a car
■#905 Using all the different shampoos and soaps in someone else’s shower

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