Saturday, September 25, 2010

God isn't safe, but He is good.

Aaron Gillespie Interview from Levi Lusko on Vimeo.

I'm going through a time where God is calling me to make lots of decisions and then follow His lead. And I want to. I know that His will is alway perfect but sometimes it's hard to know what that plan is or how to find it.

Last week the development office girls folded 3000 letters to send out for our monthly mailing. During that time we watch movies or listen to sermons to keep our minds occupied while we do the mundane folding. On Monday, I think, I was watching sermons from Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley. I came upon one by Todd Niswonger, now the head pastor I believe, that talked about how to find God's will. He said something that I know in my head but don't always follow. He said it's not God's will that we should seek. Instead, we should be seeking the face of God and then His will will be evident.

I still have to remind myself constantly to do that. Seek God. Seek the face of Christ. The rest will fall into place.

Prayer Request: Pray that I would remember to seek Christ and pray that when His will is revealed to me that I would follow it instead of going my own way.

Leave a comment and let me know if there is any way that I can pray for you! Also, you can leave a comment and tell me what is going on in your life.

1 comment:

  1. This isn't really to you, but it's related to your topic and I thought it was cute. I was listening to a snippet of a sermon by Ken Hutherson the other morning. He said something to the effect of "Hey, all you evangellyfish" (that really is the word he used but I'm not sure of the spelling) "make sure you are following God's known will...what's in the Bible...before you worry about figuring out what His unknown will is." He's a hoot to listen to.


