Saturday, January 29, 2011

Note Writing

I talked to Naomi (one of the roomies) last night and asked her how she gets opportunities to speak with the kids one-on-one. I think it is especially hard for those of us in the development office to get those opportunities because we see the students out in the hall where everyone is or in our office while other people are working, and no one wants to talk about things they're struggling with while other people are working in hearing distance.

The first thing she told me was, of course, pray. I do this sometimes but I definitely don't pray about getting opportunities to speak with the students one-on-one enough. Even though, I know that when I have prayed for an opportunity, one has come up.

The second thing she said was to write them notes. This is the second time this week I have heard about one of our teachers writing the students a note. I know that I, for one, am much better at articulating my thoughts into a note. I also think it's easier to say hard things on paper than in person, for me or for the student. She went on to say that notes are more permanent. They can be re-read where a conversation can only be remembered.

I'm excited to start doing this. I pray that the words I put on paper will be God-glorifying, gospel-centered words which God will use to impact hearts.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tori!
    I love reading your musings. I appreciate your thoughts and the direction your taking this post. I will try and give you some helpful suggestions that God has allowed me to use.
    1. I always have to make it a priority to connect to people. I cannot let myself just wait for the opportunity. When I just ask a person if I can talk with them (this tends to bring an instantaneous queezy-feeling in most of my students--"THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE!!) Without fail, God takes my feeble attempts and turns them in opportunities to for all involved to see their hearts in a meaningful way.
    2. Jump right in!! I mean this. Do not beat around the mulberry bush (or mesquite brush down here). I used to ask a ton of connecting type questions and try to make this more comfortable.
    God has embolden me to just ask the questions that really matter. Here are some examples:
    -What has God shown you lately that has driven you to repentance?
    -What truth is God teaching you? Is it coming up in different places(home, class, friends)?
    -Hey we are all a bunch of broken people! What burden is overwhelming you that is making you feel weak and insecure? Lets get to it so we can pray and deal with it.

    As crazy as this sounds! God has manufactured many opportunities to pray, cry, and speak delusional-breaking Truth into my heart and the hearts of the people that I love.

    Just some random musings!! Thank you for all that you do. You have no idea how richly God is using you at MCA and Redeemer.

    Blog-responding: Chago
