Thursday, August 12, 2010

My first ever missionary blog post

I’m here! As I write I’m sitting on my new bed in my big wonderful room in Texas with the book I’m supposed to be reading for in-service tomorrow.

Yesterday was very hard. I kept on a brave face for most of it, mostly because I don’t like to be vulnerable. I realize that vulnerability is beautiful and important for building honest relationships but it’s so hard to show new people everything.

My flights were wonderful. The weather was super gorg. When I got to the Harlingen airport, I met Ilonka, one of the other interns who was here last year, at baggage claim. She went back to the car to get Brent and they helped me take my bags to the car. Trinette, Chago’s wife, was waiting in the car. Let me tell you, I LOVE her! After a quick tour and a little settling, I went to dinner with the rest of the interns and Chago and Trinette. I can’t remember the name of the restaurant but it. Was. Overwhelming. People, smoke, smells, and noise. But the food was good.

We came home and I moved some of my stuff around and went to bed. I had a really hard time sleeping and had my first “Why am I here?” moment. But I made it and I’m still glad I’m here.

Today we went to the grocery store [Secret: My first time grocery shopping extensively by myself]. Later I had a meeting with Chago to discuss what I’ll be doing and, well, I’m still not sure exactly what I’m doing. He did mention the possibility of me teaching a literature class. That. Is. Terrifying. But I know it would be a really great experience. Whatever God wants for me is good. I know that I can do it with Him [But not alone! No no no!]

Prayer: At the end of these blog posts I think I’ll write prayer requests. Sound good?

- Pray that God would place me doing exactly what He wants me to do and that He would give me the grace to be willing and able.

- Pray that I would bond with the other girls and be able to be vulnerable with them.

Love you guys! Thank you for your prayers and kind words.


  1. Grocery shopping for the first time can be overwhelming! Before you know it you will be cool like us and using coupons. Glad you're having fun! I will be praying for you! Here's a tip that got me through some hard moments on mission trips: Don't be flexible. Flexibility can only go so far. Be fluid. It took me a while to figure out what being fluid means, so just think about it!


  2. Tori, I hope your trip goes great and I know God will use you in mighty ways! I noticed you said something about the smoke and smells. I know what you mean. I think every country has its own scent.
    Praying for you and your team!

  3. You should identify the others in the picture...I assume they are the other interns???

  4. Carter, those are actually just some friends from camp in Tennessee. Their names are Emilee, Seth, Breehan (she goes to Heritage), and Bird.
